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Our Program

Repetition Is Success

Concentration is Key

Chet Holmes, a genius in marketing and business strategy, once said, "I realized that becoming a master of karate was not about learning 4,000 moves but about doing just a handful of moves 4,000 times." This ideology is used as the base of our program, which focuses on studying every detail of the material featured on the SAT and completing countless practice tests until the student can recognize the type of question being asked. Utilizing this strategy will eliminate the chance of not understanding how to complete a problem because the student knows all of the material. How can this be done? How are students expected to memorize the hundreds of problems featured on the SAT? In reality, there are only a number of topics that can be covered in a 154 question test. With enough practice, this strategy guarantees success. We discuss this approach further during our weekly meetings. For more information on our meeting times, click on the pencil below.

"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking" - Voltaire


A significant issue plaguing the lives of students are the many distractions that can ruin a study session. The only way to improve is to dedicate an individual's entire attention into the task at hand. Listed below are the ways in which Study Smarter works to eliminate distractions during our meetings to take full advantage of our group. 


  • Problems are displayed throughout the meeting to quickly test students' skills

  • Collaborative activities are completed to include each member

  • Our relaxing meeting style creates a welcoming environment for discussion


Our members attend meetings because they are determined to improve their scores. Study Smarter only incentivizes them to listen and participate with the resources that we provide every Thursday. For our meeting times, click the pencil below.

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